Monday, April 26, 2010

New specific biological product to remedy autoimmune reactions of a streptococcal aetiology.

V.A.Esepenok, the Doctor of Veterinary Science. Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after Dr K.I. Skryabin.

Streptococcoci is an infectious disease of human beings, of all types of live-stock animals, wildlife fauna, laboratory animals as well as of all barnyard and wildlife fowls, bees, fish and the reptiles, which is induced by gram-positive bacteria of streptococcosus. Wide bacteria carriage rate among attendants and service personnel fosters the infection of animals and vice versa, due to the fact that haemolytic streptococci are identical for all the chordates.
The disease affects localized sectors (abscess), specific tissues, organs, body systems as well as all the organism leading to a lethal termination.
Pathogenic streptococci are complex biological substances with external and internal enzymes which in the course of their biological life have adapted to elude from phagocytes, to avoid system of complement, to form mutants in a parent cell causing disease of the host even when there are no signs of immunodeficiency.
The aetiological significance of streptococci in pathology of animals and human beings is being underestimated, as they are fastidious to nutrient mediums and certain skills for their extraction from pathological material are required. Immune attack of autogenous tissues of the host of the pathogenic agent germinates usually without its excretion from the diseased organism. Internal aggressines of pathogenic streptococci damage tissues of the host and ensure penetration of streptococci (disease progress i.e. zymosis) as well as of other microorganisms, i.e. provoking a number of infectious diseases which are not listed in R. Koch's triad.
Having studied the biology of pathogenic streptococci and disease progress during their penetration into a susceptible organism, we have prepared a toxoid-vaccine STREPTOEVAK on the basis of biological polymers (1).
The biological product in reference is harmless and arectogenious, possesses antitoxic and preventive effects against haemolytic streptococci of animals and birds. The above has been proved in experimental and working conditions on thousands various kinds of susceptible animals (2).
At present practicing medical experts all over the world have nor secure tools nor preventive remedy for streptococcosis of human beings. According to L.V.Lvova (2000) (3), in case of streptococcosis disease, unfortunately, there is no medical product able to save human beings from glomerulonephritis. Even such radical treatment as transplantation does not ensure success for up to 100%, because in most of the cases glomerulonephritis germinates again in the replaced kidney. Scientists of the State Centre of Science of Virology and Biotechnology of the Russian Federation called the VECTOR (2006) have put forward a hypothesis: « Aetiology of oncological and cardiovascular diseases » where they convincingly predict etiological significance of streptococci. We theoretically understand and support medical scientists, and practically we are working for confirming a solvency of their assumptions.
Autoimmune diseases of eyesight constitute a serious problem of veterinary medicine due to the fact that it is often that such diseases lead to dangerous, and sometimes even irreversible changes in eye tissue. The keratoconjunctivitis sicca (when the inflammation is due to dryness), which leads, as its consequence, to the deep parenchymatous ulcerous keratitis with ulcers that remain unhealed for rather extended period of time constitute a serious problem because apart from representing some interrelated processes they are also the linking components of pathogenesis thus provoking the blindness of animals.
The toxoid-vaccine of STREPTOEVAK is successfully applied to the treatment of cats with an initial stage of corneal sequestrum. The basic diagnostic criteria for this product application are: blepharospasmus, lachrymation, third eyelid prolapse. When applying the solution of fluorescein against the affected cornea an intensive green coloring of all erosive surface appears. Streptoevak is normally applied in a dose of 0.5 ml intramuscularly with an interval of 15-20 days up to three applications. Together with Streptoevak the Actovegin is normally prescribed which is an eye jelly, as well as some antimicrobial agents. When the treatment starts without delay a restoration of integrity of the cornea is achieved, and further impregnation of the denuded stroma with epinephrine of tear does not occur as well as pigmentary focus formation is being avoided .
Especially this biological product is effective (that proves its high specificity) in the cases of transformation of fibroblast-like cells on mucous tunic of eyes of dogs (the third eyesight). Enclosed photos show animals before treatment (1.2) and those after treatment (3.4). The course of treatment is just four (4) injections in accordance with instructions for application of toxiod-vaccine product. For the first time in the world the results of treatment of cats and dogs curing streptococcosus disease aftereffects have been achieved without surgery operations.
Studying the influence of STREPTOEVAK over the growth of an intertwined liver tumor (hepatocellular carcinoma) of mice was our next stage of work. The experiment has been made on mice RUVR. For the hypodermic transplantation it has been used the passage number 16 of the liver tumor strain on experiment animals, which was obtained in Russian Oncological Scientific Center named after N.N.Blokhin working under the Russian Academy of Medical Science. The mice have been vaccinated twice with an interval of 12 days by intraperitoneal introduction in doses of 0.1 and 0.3 ml respectively. Transplant subinoculation of the tumor has been made after 7 days following the last vaccination. The control of effects has been made comparing the results against non-vaccinated mice having subinoculated tumors. Effects of vaccination have been evaluated by the periods between the first tumor nodes occur and tumor nodes in progress at a later stage as well as when the tumor growth slows down and finally evaluating the changes in life expectancy. The first nodes in the vaccinated tissue of vaccinated mice have appeared a little bit later (the percentage of time increase was equal to 5%), however, the difference between the experiment group and the control one were not very significant from statistics point of view. The average volume of tumor nodes among the vaccinated mice was less, than among non-vaccinated mice. Significant differences were registered in 8 out of 11 measurements made during the experiment. Among the vaccinated mice some decrease in average life expectancy (8 %) has been registered, however, the differences in reference were not significant from statistics point of view as compared with non-vaccinated animals results.
Analyzing the received positive results on cats and dogs (more than 100 animals), and also on laboratory animals it is possible to make a confident conclusion that toxoid-vaccine STREPTOEVAK is a specific medical biological product which enables to achieve the required effects in cases of autoimmune reactions of streptococcal aetiology.
1. V.A.Esepenok. Streptococcosus among nutrias: diagnostics, methods of curing and preventive measures. The dissertation in the form of the scientific report as a doctorate thesis applying for a degree of the Doctor of Veterinary Sciences. Moscow. Russia. 1998.
2. V.A.Esepenok, H.S.Gorbatova. Aetiology, pathogenesis, treatment and prophylaxis of Streptococcoci (modern view). The Veterinary Adviser May, No. 10 (125) 2006.
3. L.V.Lvova. Streptococcosus strikes a blow. Z. Arquive.2000 No. 8.
4. Scientists of the State Centre for Science of Virology and Biotechnology, the VECTOR. (2006). Hypothesis. « Aetiology of oncological and cardiovascular diseases ».

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